By default pcap2json uses its builtin JSON field definition. This can however be overridden with a custom JSON format and file using
Copy --flow-template '{ custom JSON format }'
option in /opt/fmadio/etc/pcap2json.lua Section "backend"
Default JSON format (2021/7/24)
Copy {
Example JSON Flow
Copy {
"timestamp": 1497015593700,
"TS": "13:39:53.700.000.000",
"device": "fmadio100v2-228U",
"hashHalf": "810a2feb5dcdb1f602f913c7de2e90b789e635e9",
"hashFull": "a7cbb9296d6c642b34ef295a902a9fda8484a178",
"flowCount": 36365,
"macSrc": "7c:e2:ca:bd:97:d9",
"macDst": "00:0e:52:80:00:16",
"macProto": "IPv4",
"vlan0": null,
"mpls0TC": null,
"ipv4Src": "",
"hostSrc": "",
"ipv4Dst": "",
"hostDst": "",
"ipv4Proto": "ICMP",
"ipv4DSCP": null,
"ipv4Frag": null,
"portSrc": null,
"portDst": null,
"application": "(ICMP 0)",
"tag0": null,
"tag1": null,
"tag2": null,
"tcpFin": null,
"tcpSyn": null,
"tcpSynAck": null,
"tcpSackPerm": null,
"tcpRst": null,
"tcpSack": null,
"tcpZeroWindow": null,
"totalPackets": 1,
"totalBytes": 74,
"totalBits": 592,
"totalFCS": 0,
"geoipSrc": {
"location": [
"country_name": "Japan",
"country_iso_code": "JP",
"city_name": null,
"asn": null,
"org": null,
"isp": "Research Organization of Information and Systems"
"geoipDst": {
"location": [
"country_name": "United States",
"country_iso_code": "US",
"city_name": "Middletown",
"asn": 36692,
"org": "OPENDNS",
"isp": "Cisco OpenDNS"
"tcpRTTNet": null,
"tcpRTTApp": null,
"tcpWindowMin": null,
"tcpWindowMax": null,
"tcpWindowMean": null,
"decapType": "ICMP Destination Unreachable",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "UDP",
"decapPortSrc": 53,
"decapPortDst": 64632
The following is a reference for all the fields
Outputs timestamp in MSec epoch time
Copy {
"timestamp": 1497015593700,
TCP Connection
PCAP2JSON can calculate RTT and Byte accurate TCP Window information following is a description of each field. TCP Window sizes are real sizes in bytes that are scaled correctly using the SYN/SYNACK negotiated window scaling factor
This field indicates which side of the tcp connection the Half Duplex flow is on. Its particularly useful when used in combination with tcpRTTNetHalf to monitor the response time of the server or the WAN latency of a client.
The server side of a half duplex flow. Calculated by the half duplex flow that receives the TCP SYN
TheClient side of a half duplex flow. Calculated by the flow which receives the TCP SYNACK
tcpMode = server
Server highlighted in Aqua
tcpMode = client
Client highlighted in Aqua
Outputs the full TCP round trip time in milliseconds. . This is a full duplex value, both sides of the TCP connection have the same value. This value approximates an ICMP ping between the two hosts.
Calculation is Full Duplex
Unit is Milliseconds
Show below, the aqua colored paths are used in the calculation. Total caluclation is
tcpNetRTTFull = P2 - P0
Example JSON output, note field tcpRTTNetFull, in this example the Full RTT round trip is 856msec.
Both half duplex hash have the exact same tcpRTTNetFull value.
Copy {
"timestamp": 1497015595700,
"TS": "13:39:55.700.000.000",
"device": "fmadio100v2-228U",
"hashHalf": "4811607328d46ec497c1add34da011649a73b611",
"hashFull": "d9cd496276ea9c4a4f2f072e4201560239023bd9",
"flowCount": 44437,
"macSrc": "84:78:ac:3b:53:a5",
"macDst": "68:05:ca:0a:b9:15",
"macProto": "IPv4",
"vlan0": 2048,
"ipv4Src": "",
"hostSrc": "",
"ipv4Dst": "",
"hostDst": "",
"ipv4Proto": "TCP",
"portSrc": 61025,
"portDst": 3389,
"application": "(TCP 3389)",
"tcpRst": 1,
"tcpMode": "client",
"tcpRTTNetFull": 856.3,
"tcpRTTNetHalf": 000.2,
"totalPackets": 5,
"totalBytes": 1365,
"totalBits": 10920,
"totalFCS": 0,
"geoipSrcLocation": [
"geoipSrcCountry_name": "Netherlands",
"geoipSrcCountry_iso_code": "NL",
"geoipSrcAsn": 43350,
"geoipSrcOrg": "NForce Entertainment B.V.",
"geoipSrcIsp": "NFOrce Entertainment B.V.",
"geoipDstLocation": [
"geoipDstCountry_name": "United States",
"geoipDstCountry_iso_code": "US",
"geoipDstCity_name": "Las Vegas"
"timestamp": 1497015595700,
"TS": "13:39:55.700.000.000",
"device": "fmadio100v2-228U",
"hashHalf": "adf86ea334da1be65391e97c4a635c2c50bfcc01",
"hashFull": "d9cd496276ea9c4a4f2f072e4201560239023bd9",
"flowCount": 44437,
"macSrc": "68:05:ca:0a:b9:15",
"macDst": "00:00:5e:00:01:31",
"macProto": "IPv4",
"vlan0": 2048,
"ipv4Src": "",
"hostSrc": "",
"ipv4Dst": "",
"hostDst": "",
"ipv4Proto": "TCP",
"portSrc": 3389,
"portDst": 61025,
"application": "(TCP 3389)",
"tcpMode": "server",
"tcpRTTNetFull": 856.3,
"tcpRTTNetPartial": 856.1,
"totalPackets": 5,
"totalBytes": 1838,
"totalBits": 14704,
"totalFCS": 0,
"geoipSrcLocation": [
"geoipSrcCountry_name": "United States",
"geoipSrcCountry_iso_code": "US",
"geoipSrcCity_name": "Las Vegas",
"geoipDstLocation": [
"geoipDstCountry_name": "Netherlands",
"geoipDstCountry_iso_code": "NL",
"geoipDstAsn": 43350,
"geoipDstOrg": "NForce Entertainment B.V.",
"geoipDstIsp": "NFOrce Entertainment B.V."
This calculates the partial RTT value. Note depending on where the capture device is located indicates which side of the RTT it shows. This value is used in conjunction with @TCP_MODE@ to monitor Server response time or Client speed of light latency.
tcpMode = server
In this mode tcpRTTNetPartial is the round trip between request to connect to the server, and the services accept() of the connection. Shown below in aqua
tcpRTTNetPartial = P1 - P0
tcpMode = client
In the client mode, tcpRTTNetPartial is (usually) the speed of light network latency between the Server (e.g. HTTP web server) and the Client a desktop / mobile end user. Its not strictly the case, this is the typical use case as FMADIO Capture device is usually co-located with the Web Server.
tcpRTTNetPartial = P2 - P1
Example JSON below. tcpRTTPartial is different for each half duplex flow.
Copy {
"timestamp": 1497015595700,
"TS": "13:39:55.700.000.000",
"device": "fmadio100v2-228U",
"hashHalf": "4811607328d46ec497c1add34da011649a73b611",
"hashFull": "d9cd496276ea9c4a4f2f072e4201560239023bd9",
"flowCount": 44437,
"macSrc": "84:78:ac:3b:53:a5",
"macDst": "68:05:ca:0a:b9:15",
"macProto": "IPv4",
"vlan0": 2048,
"ipv4Src": "",
"hostSrc": "",
"ipv4Dst": "",
"hostDst": "",
"ipv4Proto": "TCP",
"portSrc": 61025,
"portDst": 3389,
"application": "(TCP 3389)",
"tcpRst": 1,
"tcpMode": "client",
"tcpRTTNetFull": 856.3,
"tcpRTTNetPartial": 000.2,
"totalPackets": 5,
"totalBytes": 1365,
"totalBits": 10920,
"totalFCS": 0,
"geoipSrcLocation": [
"geoipSrcCountry_name": "Netherlands",
"geoipSrcCountry_iso_code": "NL",
"geoipSrcAsn": 43350,
"geoipSrcOrg": "NForce Entertainment B.V.",
"geoipSrcIsp": "NFOrce Entertainment B.V.",
"geoipDstLocation": [
"geoipDstCountry_name": "United States",
"geoipDstCountry_iso_code": "US",
"geoipDstCity_name": "Las Vegas"
"timestamp": 1497015595700,
"TS": "13:39:55.700.000.000",
"device": "fmadio100v2-228U",
"hashHalf": "adf86ea334da1be65391e97c4a635c2c50bfcc01",
"hashFull": "d9cd496276ea9c4a4f2f072e4201560239023bd9",
"flowCount": 44437,
"macSrc": "68:05:ca:0a:b9:15",
"macDst": "00:00:5e:00:01:31",
"macProto": "IPv4",
"vlan0": 2048,
"ipv4Src": "",
"hostSrc": "",
"ipv4Dst": "",
"hostDst": "",
"ipv4Proto": "TCP",
"portSrc": 3389,
"portDst": 61025,
"application": "(TCP 3389)",
"tcpMode": "server",
"tcpRTTNetFull": 856.3,
"tcpRTTNetPartial": 856.1,
"totalPackets": 5,
"totalBytes": 1838,
"totalBits": 14704,
"totalFCS": 0,
"geoipSrcLocation": [
"geoipSrcCountry_name": "United States",
"geoipSrcCountry_iso_code": "US",
"geoipSrcCity_name": "Las Vegas",
"geoipDstLocation": [
"geoipDstCountry_name": "Netherlands",
"geoipDstCountry_iso_code": "NL",
"geoipDstAsn": 43350,
"geoipDstOrg": "NForce Entertainment B.V.",
"geoipDstIsp": "NFOrce Entertainment B.V."
Outputs the Application Request -> Response network round trip in milliseconds
Calculation is Half Duplex
Unit is Milliseconds
Time different between between application Push to Push. e.g. HTTP Get -> 200 OK Response
tcpRTTApp = TS1 - TS0
Copy {
"tcpRTTNet": 51.583,
"tcpRTTApp": 118.732,
Outputs the minimum TCP window size in Bytes
Calculation is Half Duplex
NOTE: This does take into account full Window Scaling from the SYN/SYNACK connection. If no SYN/SYNCACK has been processed this filed outputs NULL
Copy {
"tcpWindowMin": 1,
"tcpWindowMax": 4739,
"tcpWindowMean": 89,
Outputs the maximum TCP window size in Bytes
Calculation is Half Duplex
NOTE: This does take into account full Window Scaling from the SYN/SYNACK connection. If no SYN/SYNCACK has been processed this filed outputs NULL
Copy {
"tcpWindowMin": 1,
"tcpWindowMax": 4739,
"tcpWindowMean": 89,
Outputs the arithmetic mean TCP window size in Bytes
Calculation is Half Duplex
NOTE: This does take into account full Window Scaling from the SYN/SYNACK connection. If no SYN/SYNCACK has been processed this filed outputs NULL
Copy {
"tcpWindowMin": 1,
"tcpWindowMax": 4739,
"tcpWindowMean": 89,
PCAP2JSON will de-encapsulation some packets and payloads. Following is a description of each field
If packet de-encapsulation was performance, indicates what kind of encapsulation
ICMP Destination Unreachable
Copy {
"decapType": "ICMP Destination Unreachable",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "UDP",
"decapPortSrc": 53,
"decapPortDst": 64632
For de-encapsulated packets, the IPv4 Source address of the INNER packet
Copy {
"decapType": "ICMP Destination Unreachable",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "UDP",
"decapPortSrc": 53,
"decapPortDst": 64632
For de-encapsulated packets, the IPv4 Destination address of the INNER packer
Copy {
"decapType": "ICMP Destination Unreachable",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "UDP",
"decapPortSrc": 53,
"decapPortDst": 64632
For de-encapsulated packets the IPv4 Protocol of the INNER packet
Copy {
"decapType": "ICMP Destination Unreachable",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "UDP",
"decapPortSrc": 53,
"decapPortDst": 64632
This is the INNER IPv4 DSCP field following table shows the current enumeration. If an unknown value is found the text output is a hexadecimal string literal.
Value (In Hex)
Example JSON
Copy {
"decapType": "ICMP Time Exceeded",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "ICMP",
"decapIpv4DSCP": "AF13",
"decapPortSrc": 0,
"decapPortDst": 0
For de-encapsulated packets the Source Port of the INNER TCP or UDP packet
Copy {
"decapType": "ICMP Destination Unreachable",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "UDP",
"decapPortSrc": 53,
"decapPortDst": 64632
For de-encapsulated packets the Destination Port of the INNER TCP or UDP packet
Copy {
"decapType": "ICMP Destination Unreachable",
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapIpv4Proto": "UDP",
"decapPortSrc": 53,
"decapPortDst": 64632
Uses the GEO IP Mapping to search a a textual description of the De-Encapsulated source IPv4 address. If a mapping is not found, the standard IPV4 numeric address is used.
Copy {
"decapIPv4Src": "",
"decapIPv4Dst": "",
"decapHostSrc": "",
"decapHostDst": "Reserved Private",
De-encapsulated Source IP GeoIP Location. This includes the Longitude / Latitude value
Copy "decapGeoipSrc": {
"location": [
"country_name": "Brazil",
"country_iso_code": "BR",
"city_name": "Capinzal",
"asn": 53062,
"isp": "Ggnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda"
De-Encapsulated Source IP GeoIP Country
Copy "decapGeoipSrc": {
"location": [
"country_name": "Brazil",
"country_iso_code": "BR",
"city_name": "Capinzal",
"asn": 53062,
"isp": "Ggnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda"
De-Encapsulated Source IP GeoIP 2 letter country code
Copy "decapGeoipSrc": {
"location": [
"country_name": "Brazil",
"country_iso_code": "BR",
"city_name": "Capinzal",
"asn": 53062,
"isp": "Ggnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda"
De-Encapsulated Source IP GeoIP City
Copy "decapGeoipSrc": {
"location": [
"country_name": "Brazil",
"country_iso_code": "BR",
"city_name": "Capinzal",
"asn": 53062,
"isp": "Ggnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda"
De-Encapsulated Source IP ASN
De-Encapsulated Source IP Organization
Copy "decapGeoipSrc": {
"location": [
"country_name": "Brazil",
"country_iso_code": "BR",
"city_name": "Capinzal",
"asn": 53062,
"isp": "Ggnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda"
De-Encapsulated Source IP ISP Name
Copy "decapGeoipSrc": {
"location": [
"country_name": "Brazil",
"country_iso_code": "BR",
"city_name": "Capinzal",
"asn": 53062,
"isp": "Ggnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda"
See @DECAP_SRCIP_HOSTNAME@ for description
See @DECAP_SRCIP_LOCATION@ for description
See @DECAP_SRCIP_COUNTRY@ for description
See @DECAP_SRCIP_CITY@ for description
See @DECAP_SRCIP_ASN@ for description
See @DECAP_SRCIP_ORG@ for description
See @DECAP_SRCIP_ISP@ for description