Geo Map Generation

Generating a MAP requires the following. e.g. from Maxmind GeoIP Lite database + custom hosts file

In this case we have the Maxmind City Geo database

--maxmind-city-block /mnt/store1/cache/json/GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv  --maxmind-city-location /mnt/store1/cache/json/GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv

Then the MaxMind ASN database

--maxmind-asn /mnt/store1/cache/json/GeoLite2-ASN-CSV_20200324/GeoLite2-ASN-Blocks-IPv4.csv 

Then the MaxMind ISP database

--maxmind-isp /mnt/store1/cache/json/GeoIP-124_20200714/GeoIPISP.csv

Then a custom Hosts file

--hosts /mnt/store0/git/json_wrangle/app/pcap2json_map/hosts.csv

Then a scratch-file (ensure that path to file is a mounted scratch disk) as the process will require 200-500GB of scratch space to complete processing.

--scratch-file /mnt/store1/

All resulting in a final command line as follows

$ ./pcap2json_map  --scratch-file /mnt/store1/ 
                   --maxmind-city-block /mnt/store1/GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv 
                   --maxmind-city-location /mnt/store1/GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv
                   --maxmind-asn /mnt/store1/GeoLite2-ASN-CSV_20200324/GeoLite2-ASN-Blocks-IPv4.csv 
                   --maxmind-isp /mnt/store1/GeoIP-124_20200714/GeoIPISP.csv 
                   --hosts /mnt/store1/hosts.csv
                   --tag0-file /mnt/store1/tag0.csv 

The output file is shown below

fmadio@fmadio40v2-194:/opt/fmadio/bin$ ls -alh geoip_fmadio.geo
-rw-r--r--    1 fmadio   staff     421.1M May 17 22:16 geoip_fmadio.geo

Typically this is 400MB-2GB in size depending on the input dataset. Enabling it in pcap2json.lua configuration file requires

1) copying geo_fmadio.geo to /mnt/store0/etc/pcap2json_map.geo

2) enabling it in pcap2json.lua configuration file as follows

["backend"] =
        "--geoip /mnt/store0/etc/pcap2json_map.geo",

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