
The FMADIO 100G Packet capture dashboard provides a high level overview of the capture system. Example is shown below.

NOTE: Different hardware platforms 20G, 40G, 100G have slightly different dashboard settings.

Going over the above in more detail as follows

Capture Received

Total number of packets received and successfully stored on the capture device

Capture Bytes

Total number of bytes successfully captured and stored on the device.

Capture Errors

Errors with packet data seen on the wire. This includes Frame Check Sequence (FCS) errors.

Capture Dropped

Total number of packets dropped / unable to make it to the capture storage system

Capture Days

Total number of days worth of capture on the system. Calculated as difference between the oldest packet on the system vs the newest packet on the system

Generate Sent

Total number of packets generated / transmitted on the device. This includes packet blaster and packet replay counters

Generate Bytes

Total number of bytes generated / transmitted on the device.

Generate Errors

Total number of errors occurred during packet generation

Smart Errors

Total number of new SMART Disk errors

RAID Status

Current RAID status, GOOD or DEGRADED or FAILED

System Warning

Counter of system related warning or errors. Currently this is unused

RAM ECC Errors

Total number of DDR4 System RAM ECC Errors

Up Time

Total uptime of the system

Counter Reset

Most of the counters can be reset by clicking on the small circle arrow highlighted in red below.

Last updated