FMADIO Shark is a self contained LXC container that runs on the FMADIO Packet Capture systems. It provides a "Wireshark Lite" way to navigate thats fully compatible with Wireshark, as the backend is Wireshark.

To configure and run as follows

Download Latest FMADIO Shark Release

Copy the tarball to /tmp

Unpack FMADIO Shark

Unpack the tarball into the /opt/fmadio/lxc directory

/mnt/store0/lxc/lib/lxc$ sudo tar xfzv /tmp/fmadshark-release_20220317_164527-314-4436d67.tar.gz

Symlink the latest release. Optionally removing the symlink of any older version

/mnt/store0/lxc/lib/lxc$ sudo ln -s fshark_20220317_1646/ fshark

Run the Container Install Script

/mnt/store0/lxc/lib/lxc$ cd fshark

/mnt/store0/lxc/lib/lxc/fshark_20220317_1646$ sudo ./install.lua
fmad fmadlua Mar 17 2022
loading filename [./install.lua]
Host Address:
sudo sed -i "s/.*CONFIG_HOST$/        ip = \"\", -- (Thu Mar 17 20:52:41 2022) CONFIG_HOST/" ./rootfs/srv/fshark/fmadio/etc/host_config.lua
done 0.005622Sec 0.000094Min

Enable in the Config File

Edit the file


Setting the following ["FShark"] = true, if the field does not exist then create it

["PCAP"] =
        ["TimeStampMode"] = "nic",
        ["TimeResolution"] = "nsec",
        ["TimeSortDepth"]  = 256,
        ["Decap"]          = false,
        ["Slice"]          = 0,
        ["DownloadIdleTimeout"] = 30000000000,
        ["FShark"]     = true,
        ["DownloadAPI"]     = "v1",

Enable automatic start on boot

By default FShark does not start on boot, enabling this in the config uses the generic LXC container framework.

Edit the config file


Near the bottom section of the config there is a "Container" section. The example below shows a basic FShark only configuration, depending on your usage there may be additional containers configured to run.

["Container"] =
    ["Enable"]      = true,
    ["RingCnt"]     = 4,
    ["List"]        =
        [1] = { Name = "fshark", OnBoot = true},

After configuration update, reboot the system

Check FMADIO Shark is running

Check FShark is running using the fmadiocli utility as follows

fmadiocli "show container"

FShark should be installed and running as hilighted in red below.

Packet Browser

PacketBrowser and PacketScope should be visible on the GUI as follows

Last updated

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