Global Time PTPv2

FMADIO capture systems support PTPv2 using the linux PTP open source project. ( ) running only on the 10G management interface. 1G links are supported using 1G RJ45 SFP transceiver.

Enabling PTPv2 via GUI is as follows

In addition the 10G Bridged networking config must be disabled. As LinuxPTP must run directly on the bare metal NIC. Please edit the file


Change the "phy10" values as shown below to "man10"

Changed to "man10" as follows

System must be rebooted for the above to take effect.

PTPv2 VLAN Interface

In some environments PTPv2 is run on its own dedicated VLAN interface. To enable this update the configuration file


Specifically setting the VLANID as follows, in the below example its set to VLANID "123"

["PTP"] =
    ["Master0"] = "",
    ["Master1"] = "",
    ["Master2"] = "",
    ["Master3"] = "",
    ["UpdateRate"] = "",
    ["VLANID"] = "123",
    ["Interface"] = "man10",

After editing save and confirm the file syntax is correct, ensure there are no syntax or parse errors. The correct output is shown below.

fmadio@fmadio20n40v3-364:~$ fmadiolua /opt/fmadio/etc/time.lua
fmad fmadlua Aug 10 2021
failed to open self? [fmadiolua]
loading filename [/opt/fmadio/etc/time.lua]
done 0.000051Sec 0.000001Min

Either reboot the system, or kill all ptp processes (e.g. sudo killall ptp4l; sudo killall phc2sys)

On reboot a man10.123 VLAN interface that matches the set VLANID should be populated as follows

fmadio@fmadio20n40v3-364:~$ ifconfig man10.123
man10.123 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 18:C0:4D:17:7A:4E
          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:9200  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)


And the linux ptp daemo should have binded to the newly created instance as follows

fmadio@fmadio20n40v3-364:~$ ps aux |grep ptp4l
64727 root     /opt/fmadio/bin/ptp4l -4 -H -i man10.123 -m -s

And the PHC interface also

fmadio@fmadio20n40v3-364:~$ ps aux |grep phc2sys
64729 root     /opt/fmadio/bin/phc2sys -s man10.123 -c CLOCK_REALTIME -w -m -P 0.7 -I 0.3

PTPv2 on Second 10G Port

The above config assumes PTPv2 is running on the primary 10G management port. There is not requirement for using the primary port, instead the 2nd 10G management port can also be used. Below are the differences required

1) in the udev rules phy10 -> phy11 -> man11

Use phy11 interface

Rename to man11

2) Set the IP address of man11

man11 needs to be configured with an IP address, either editing network config file directly


or using the fmadiocli command line utility

3) Specify man11 in the ptp config per below

["PTP"] =
    ["Master0"] = "",
    ["Master1"] = "",
    ["Master2"] = "",
    ["Master3"] = "",
    ["UpdateRate"] = "",
    ["VLANID"] = nil,
    ["Interface"] = "man11",

PTP on the Second 1G RJ45 Port

PTPv2 can be run on the 2nd 1G management interface, as it supports both a PHC clock and IEE1588 hardware timestamping.

NOTE: PTPv2 can not be run on the primary/first 1G interface as this is a software bridged interface and does not support hardware timestamping.

1) Configure the udev rules as follows


Set the phy1 interface renamed to man1 as shown below

2) Set the IP address of man1

man1 needs to be configured with an IP address that the PTP master can reach. Set the network information either editing network config file directly


or using the fmadiocli command line utility

3) Specify man1 in the ptp config per below

["PTP"] =
    ["Master0"] = "",
    ["Master1"] = "",
    ["Master2"] = "",
    ["Master3"] = "",
    ["UpdateRate"] = "",
    ["VLANID"] = nil,
    ["Interface"] = "man1",

Custom LinuxPTP Config

FMADIO system use the standard LinuxPTP project for time synchronization

As such the PTP configuration is highly customizable. For example Broadcast environments use a non standard domain and update rate. FMADIO support this by using a custom LinuxPTP configuration file.

Custom config file can be located below


If this file is present the system will use it when starting the application ptp4l.

After creating or editing the file, need to stop ptp4l as follows

// Some code
sudo killall ptp4l
sudo killall phc2sys

The system will then automatically start it on a 60sec timer.

Logfiles for debugging can be found in

// Some code

PPS Time Synchronization

FMADIO Devices have a PPS input connect that expect 1 1PPS 50ohm 5V signal. The start of second boundary occurs on the rising edge of the PPS clock. Required hold time is 100usec or more.

Enabling of PPS is automatic, when the system detects PPS input, it automatically selects PPS to discipline the timestamp clock.

Last updated