FW Version: 7130+
Support for FEC is built into all 100G capable Packet Capture systems. By default its turned off and requires manual setting to enable the port to link up.
Enabling FEC support requires editing the file
Copy /opt/fmadio/etc/network.lua
Add in cap0 and cap1 interface settings into the file if they do not exist, such as the following
Copy ,
["cap0"] =
["Address"] = "",
["MAC"] = "00:af:a0:02:00:00",
["FEC"] = true,
["cap1"] =
["Address"] = "",
["MAC"] = "00:af:a0:02:01:00",
["FEC"] = true,
Address and MAC settings are not required, only if you need the capture port to have an IP/MAC address
After updating the file check the syntax is correct by running the following command
Copy fmadiolua /opt/fmadio/etc/network.lua
The output should look like the following, without any errors or warnings about the syntax.
Copy fmadio@fmadio100v2-228U:~$ fmadiolua /opt/fmadio/etc/network.lua
fmad fmadlua May 22 2021
0 : 2095072184 2.0951 cycles/nsec offset:4.928 Mhz
Cycles/Sec 2095072184.0000 Std: 0 cycle std( 0.00000000) Target:2.10 Ghz
argv fmadiolua
failed to open self? [fmadiolua]
loading filename [/opt/fmadio/etc/network.lua]
done 0.000143Sec 0.000002Min
Once complete, please reboot the system and FEC should be enabled on boot.
Manual FEC settings
FEC settings can be overridden and set manually per the following commands
Force FEC on all ports
Copy fmadio@fmadio100v2-228U:~$ sudo fnic_test --fec-force
FEC Force
0 : 2095071400 2.0951 cycles/nsec offset:4.929 Mhz
Cycles/Sec 2095071400.0000 Std: 0 cycle std( 0.00000000) Target:2.10 Ghz
PCIVersion: 50434930 50434930
FECENable: 1 PortMask:0003
[0] FECEnable: 1 FECForce:1
[1] FECEnable: 1 FECForce:1
Disable FEC on all ports
Copy fmadio@fmadio100v2-228U:~$ sudo fnic_test --no-fec-force
no FEC Force
0 : 2095073970 2.0951 cycles/nsec offset:4.926 Mhz
Cycles/Sec 2095073970.0000 Std: 0 cycle std( 0.00000000) Target:2.10 Ghz
PCIVersion: 50434930 50434930
FECENable: 0 PortMask:0003
[0] FECEnable: 0 FECForce:0
[1] FECEnable: 0 FECForce:0