
stream_cat is the core utility to extract data off the system. By default it outputs a standard nanosecond PCAP to stdout. This can be piped in multiple ways per the unix philosophy

$ sudo stream_cat --help
stream_cat -vf (stream name)

 -v                         : verbose print of status
 --follow                   : follow mode
 --follow-start             : follow mode but start at the begining of the file
 --check-fcs                : check for FCS errors
 --force-hdd                : force reading from HDD
 --info                     : dump info on the current capture
 --cpu <cpuid>              : pin to a specific CPU
 --io-priority <level>      : sets IO priority (default 20)
 -n N                       : follow mode start N packets from the end
 --bpf "bpf expression"   : add a BPF filter expression
 --chunked                  : output chunks of packets
 --decap                    : de-encapsulate packets
 --pktslice <bytes>         : slice packets before sending down the pipe
 --time-start <HH:MM:SS>    : time start in local timezone hour:min:sec
 --time-stop <HH:MM:SS>     : time stop in local timezone hour:min:sec

 --epoch-start <epoch time> : time start in epoch nano seconds
 --epoch-stop <epoch time>  : time stop in epoch nano seconds
 --no-pcap-header           : remove pcap header from output stream

Example: 'sudo stream_cat -f -n 1000000 | tcpdump -r - -nn '
Example: 'sudo stream_cat --bpf "host" | tcpdump -r - -nn '



CLI argument reference

--cpu <cpu number>

Pins stream_cat to a specific CPU number.

--ring <ring path> <bpf filter> <cpu number>

Writes PCAP to the specified LXC <ring path> when the <bpf filter> matches.

Multiple rings can be specified

NOTE: if no BPF is used <bpf filter> needs to be ""

NOTE: If no CPU is specified, use setting of "0"

All fields must be populated.


sudo stream_cat --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring0 "net"  0
                --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring1 "net"  29
                --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring2 "net"  30
                --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring3 "net"  31


Reset the LXC Ring read/write pointers


Adjusted the size of the ring FIFO depth. This value must be a Power of 2. Maximum value is 1024

Default value 8

--ring-timeout <timeout in nanoseconds>

Default: 30e9 (30 seconds)

Sets the default LXC Ring timeout value in nanoseconds.


Used in combination with capinfos2 Generates a histogram of the time between packets displaying it in a vertical histogram form.

Default bin size is 1nsec

Default offset is 0nsec

Example output is shown below:

sudo stream_cat --bpf "vlan and dst" 
                --epoch-start 1651131955760021825 
                --epoch-stop 1651134322452715943  
                | capinfos2 -v 
                --delta-histo-offset 10e6    
                --delta-histo-bin 1e6     

Above example uses stream_cat with an epoch and BPF filter to isolate the packet histogram deltas between packets. This is particularly useful for checking QoS SLAs

--delta-histo-bin <nanos>

Used with capinfos2 it specifes the width of each timebin (e.g. the histogram resolution). By default it uses 1nsec. Example usage below, this uses a 1e6 (1 millisecond) time bin with a 10msec offset.

sudo stream_cat --bpf "vlan and dst" 
                --epoch-start 1651131955760021825 
                --epoch-stop 1651134322452715943  
                | capinfos2 -v 
                --delta-histo-offset 10e6    
                --delta-histo-bin 1e6     

--delta-histo-offset <nanos>

As the number of timebins is limited, it may be nessecarry to offset the histogram to where the data is. The example below offsets it by 10msec with a time bin of 1msec.

sudo stream_cat --bpf "vlan and dst" 
                --epoch-start 1651131955760021825 
                --epoch-stop 1651134322452715943  
                | capinfos2 -v 
                --delta-histo-offset 10e6    
                --delta-histo-bin 1e6     

--epoch-start <nanosecond epoch>

Filters the specified capture using start time specified argument epoch time value.

Value of 0 means filter is disabled

NOTE: typically --epoch-start and --epoch-stop are used together

Example: filter from epoch 1497015595000000000. This uses capinfos2 to verify the first packed (Time First) is as specified in the filter

fmadio@fmadio100v2-228U:~$ sudo stream_cat --epoch-start 1497015595000000000    interop17_20220430_0852  | capinfos2 -v
Epoch Start 13:39: 1497015595000000000
Epoch found start Chunks:26491 Bytes 6.944 GB skipped
StartChunkID: 3737931
StartChunk: 3737931 Offset: 0 Stride: 1
StartChunk: 3737931
PCAP nano
0.00GB    0.000 Gbps    0.000 Mpps
0.40GB    3.191 Gbps    2.063 Mpps

9.22GB    3.202 Gbps    2.067 Mpps
9.60GB    3.074 Gbps    1.992 Mpps
packet stream end
20220511_131303 25.643s : SUCCESS
Total Packets: 50746286
TotalBytes     : 57674285331
TotalPackets   : 50746286
PayloadCRC     : 33ad29d7358038fd
ErrorSeq       : 0
ErrorPktSize   : 0
LastByte       : 0x00000000
SeqStart       : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 : 0x00000000
SeqEnd         : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 : 0x00000000
PacketCnt      : 0 0 0 0
TimeOrder      : 0
CRCFail        : 0
Time First     : 20170609_133955 13:39: (1497015595.000000000)
Time Last      : 20170609_133956 13:39:56.807.825.664 (1497015596.807825664)
TotalPCAPTime  : 1807825664 ns
Bandwidth      : 255.221 Gbps
Packet Rate    : 28.070 Mpps


--epoch-stop <nanosecond epoch>

Filters the specified capture using and end time specified argument epoch time value.

Value of 0 means filter is disabled

NOTE: typically --epoch-start and --epoch-stop are used together

Example: filter up to epoch time 1497015594000000000. This example uses capinfos2 to verify the last packet (Time Last) meets the specified filter value.

fmadio@fmadio100v2-228U:~$ sudo stream_cat --epoch-stop 1497015594000000000    interop17_20220430_0852  | capinfos2 -v
Epoch Stop 13:39: 1497015594000000000
StartChunkID: 3711440
StartChunk: 3711440 Offset: 0 Stride: 1
StartChunk: 3711440
PCAP nano
0.00GB    0.000 Gbps    0.000 Mpps
0.48GB    3.804 Gbps    2.460 Mpps
0.89GB    3.269 Gbps    2.106 Mpps
1.29GB    3.270 Gbps    2.113 Mpps
TimeStop reached
20220511_131655 4.686s : SUCCESS
Total Packets: 7839777
TotalBytes     : 9003464361
TotalPackets   : 7839777
PayloadCRC     : 81ff1b0c04cdca1
ErrorSeq       : 0
ErrorPktSize   : 0
LastByte       : 0x00000000
SeqStart       : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 : 0x00000000
SeqEnd         : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 : 0x00000000
PacketCnt      : 0 0 0 0
TimeOrder      : 0
CRCFail        : 0
Time First     : 20170609_133953 13:39:53.717.953.280 (1497015593.717953280)
Time Last      : 20170609_133953 13:39:53.999.999.744 (1497015593.999999744)
TotalPCAPTime  : 282046464 ns
Bandwidth      : 255.375 Gbps
Packet Rate    : 27.796 Mpps


Example Usage

The following section shows how to use stream_cat on the command line in various different ways.

Where test_capture is used, replace with a stream capture name from your fmadio system.

Where sample_file.pcap is used, replace with your own pcap filename.

Whole file

To create a whole pcap of an entire fmadio system capture use the following:

stream_cat -v test_capture > sample_file.pcap

Time Selection

To choose a selection of time for a pcap on the fmadio system the following can be used. The following example selects a time period using epoch nano seconds. 1000 nanoseconds of capture time will be extracted - assuming the stream was captured during this epoch period.

stream_cat -v --epoch-start 1622000000000000000 --epoch-stop 1622000000000001000 test_capture > sample_file.pcap

Packet Filters

Stream_cat can be executed with packet filtering commands. These are similar to the filter methods used by wireshark filtering. Example filters are also available in the fmadio user guide.

The examples here show some simple filter examples.

Stream_cat with a IP and UDP filter:

stream_cat -v --bpf "ip and udp" test_capture > sample_file.pcap

Stream_cat with a UDP port 80 filter:

stream_cat -v --bpf "udp port 80" test_capture > sample_file.pcap

Stream_cat with a complex filter - select port 80 packets with tcp range selectors :

stream_cat -v --bpf "port 80 and tcp[((tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2):4]" test_capture > sample_file.pcap


Stream_cat is very useful for piping output to other programs to process the data. Examples are shown in the stream_cat --help. The example here shows stream_cat used with gzip to compress the output pcap into a smaller sized file.

stream_cat -v -bpf "udp port 80" test_capture | gzip --fast > sample_file.pcap.gz

LXC Ring

streamcat can write directly to an lxc ring buffer located in /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring0

It can also write to multiple lxcring buffers from a single stream_cat instance by issuing the --ring command line multiple times.

LXC Ring - One Ring - No Filter

This example writes all captured data to a single LXC Ring with no BPF filter applied

$ sudo stream_cat --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring0 ""  my_captuyre_20220325_000

NOTE: the "" arguments are required. This indicates a NULL BPF filter

LXC Ring - One Ring - BPF Filter

The following example writes to a single LXC Ring with a simple "tcp" BPF filter

$ sudo stream_cat --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring0 "tcp"  my_captuyre_20220325_000

LXC Ring - 4 Ring - BPF Filter

Example below shows a single stream_cat instance writing to 4 separate LXC Ring rings each with a different BPF Filter

$ sudo stream_cat --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring0 "net"  
                  --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring1 "net"  
                  --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring2 "net"  
                  --ring /opt/fmadio/queue/lxc_ring3 "net"  

NOTE: above should be a single line

Last updated

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